Virtual Workshop Hours
By Appointment
An incubator for collaborative relationships
What CoNest is About
CoNest's tree-like structure connects and leverages current physical, economic, political, virtual, and cultural structures to support an effective community network. Within the tree, people come together in Nests for relationship building and resource sharing that is founded upon collaboration and sense of belonging. This supportive network, in turn, builds capacity in people's lives and work.
Overarching themes focus on effective communication, community enrichment, facilitation, group process, skills development, teamwork, relationship building, and leadership. Nests help diverse community members understand each other more deeply. This opens pathways for acceptance and innovation in addressing today's challenges. Ultimately, the CoNest tree supports community sustainability and resilience through collective networking.
This is a dynamic process. Through shared leadership, those directly involved strengthen the tree's structure. Everyone has the opportunity to continually collaborate, direct, and shape our ever-evolving tree.
Active Nests
Addressing challenges of Cochise County food system
Healthy Huachuca
1st Wednesdays
5:30 - 7p AZ Time
Hybrid In-person & Virtual
Healthy Living & Active Community Building
Up to you!
Set your own day and time
Use CoNest's Zoom account to meet or meet on your own
Your Nest, your purpose!
A hub to connect and work together
Creating spaces where people meet on common ground, communicate, get to know each other, develop trust, and share resources.
Opening lines of communication, sharing our goals, interests, and needs.
Cultivating a sense of belonging and sense of place.