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Building connections and partnerships everywhere to create a network for collaboration, capacity-building, resource sharing

...with the long-term in mind.

What We Do

We help people connect, share resources, and find a sense of belonging

We connect diverse people on a grassroots level to meet the community needs within the context of our constantly shifting culture. Through application of big picture strategies to various challenges faced by people around the world, we're opening lines of communication and helping people see commonalities amongst each other. Those commonalities catalyze sustainable relationships that lend themselves to collaboration, easy resource sharing, and a sense of belonging. Community building and shared experiences are the channels through which we bring people together. Ultimately, we are developing a resource-flow web for healthy, sustainable, and resilient community functioning.

The Work

Connect People

Connect people with partners and resources. Facilitate collaboration towards

common goals. Create a network.


Capacity Building

Offer hands on help. 

Provide coordination and organization for projects. Share a systems thinking perspective.

Online Platform

Provide an online platform as a hub with tools and resources for collaboration.



A face-to-face social network platform.

[link to vision page, shorten below to 1 or 2 sentences]

A network that empowers people to thrive in their lives and endeavors.

An organized group and structure, which connects and leverages current physical, economic, political, virtual, cultural structures to develop a community network. Built upon communication, collaboration and sense of belonging, this organization offer community building opportunities that bring people together for relationship building and resource sharing.


Overarching themes will focus on effective communication, community development,  facilitation, group process, skill development, teamwork, relationship building, and leadership. Services and activities will help diverse community members understand each other more deeply. This will open pathways for acceptance and joint innovation in addressing today's challenges. Ultimately, it is about community sustainability and resiliency through collective networking.



Thus far, there is a very small Connectors Group who has been building this vision and supporting the work. The above Services have successfully been offered throughout the year. Through these services, connections with community members and entities have been made, creating a network that has furthered and expanded this work. A structure of Channels has been laid out. An Online Platform has a basic envisioned design, and work has begun to bring it to life. We are working towards offering upcoming virtual Gatherings, and have partners for hosting a Festival as soon as it is safe to do so. In the meantime, we continue to build partnerships and offer our services, building capacity for the vision to unfold organically and collaboratively.

Development towards this vision has been underway throughout the past year...



The backbone that will connect and integrate these services into the community

[link to channels page]

work crew, mtgs, gatherings
festivals, events, projects
Online Platform
location, connectors group

A connector hub that eventually connects everyone & creates a resource flow.

Converge          Connect          Collaborate

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